Hello! My goodness, I just realized it’s been a long time since I have blogged. Last year, I created some word art about how I was feeling in the new year. It’s one of my most re-pinned images so I am happy to know it resonates with so many.

I wanted to do the same again for 2015. It’s nearly the end of February – where does the time go?  Like so many, I struggle with finding balance in some areas of life. The only areas I seem to have struck a chord with balance is with my marriage, mothering my three girls and my commitment to my business – having an outlet for my creativity while helping support our family keeps me grounded.

quoteaboutbeinghappy_remy and me jewelry

This year, I have realized how the simple act of choosing to be happy overflows into all areas of my life. I am committed to keep choosing happy this year. Maybe I will find a natural ebb and flow in the areas that have none.

Happy 2015 – wishing you health and happiness this year and beyond …

Thanks to We Lived Happily Ever After for the gorgeous free graphics I used above.